Analyzing JSON data by taking advantage of what makes it JSON in R

Kan Nishida
learn data science
Published in
1 min readDec 16, 2016


Flattening out JSON format into Table format is one of the common pre-process before start analyzing the data. This works pretty well for certain type of data, but it doesn’t for others. ‘Array’ data inside JSON is one of those cases that would require more than just ‘flattening’.

In R, there are many great packages like ‘jsonlite’, ‘tidyr’, and others to help you work with various types of the JSON data challenges. I’ve created a short video to demonstrate not just how easy to bring JSON data into a world of data frame in R, but also how simple to work with such ‘Array’ nature of JSON data and analyze it just like any other type of data in Exploratory.

Happy JSON! ✨

R Packages used in the video



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